Content Examples

Conciseness in Content

Scenario: Introducing a new feature on Agora

Direct and Concise: "Explore the new Agora Collaboration Tool. Enhance your teamwork."

Community-Oriented Tone

Scenario: Addressing user feedback

Direct and Community-Focused: "Thanks for your insight. It shapes Agora."

Expressiveness in Messaging

Scenario: Encouraging user contributions

Direct and Expressive: "Share your story on Agora. Your voice counts."

Responsive Tone for Different Situations

  1. Routine Tasks:

    • "Set up your Agora profile in easy steps."

  2. Educational Moments:

    • "Learn networking on Agora: Quick Guide."

  3. Problem-Solving:

    • "Got an issue? Here’s a fast fix."

  4. Celebratory Messages:

    • "Congrats on your first Agora collaboration!"

Inclusivity in Action

Scenario: Creating a tutorial

Direct and Inclusive: "Here's a guide for all. Navigate features with ease."

Cultural Sensitivity in Content

Scenario: Seasonal greeting

Culturally Sensitive and Brief: "Agora wishes you joy in this festive season."

Empathetic Support Responses

Scenario: Assisting a user with difficulties

Direct and Empathetic: "Experiencing trouble? Let’s restart. Need help? We’re here."

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